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10 keys to detect an emotional psychopath

psicopata emocional

Hello curious readers!

Welcome to this new section of the blog, a broader and more personal way to communicate with you, where we will talk about various topics of psychology, sexology, couples and gender.

For this first post, I want to address a topic that I consider necessary and useful for many people and that I frequently see in my couples therapy patients: toxic relationships. These relationships exhaust you, drain your energy, make you feel constantly guilty, and keep you trapped in a permanent feeling of not knowing exactly why you are still in them. You're not happy, but you can't leave him and you start to doubt whether it's love or not.

If you have all those sensations, you may have found a “emotional psychopath”.

What is an emotional psychopath?

The term psychopath may sound harsh, since most people think that psychopaths are all in prison for committing abhorrent crimes. However, the psychopathic personality can be present in many people who go unnoticed due to their mastery in the art of “social chameleonism,” as Iñaki Piñuel, an expert on the subject, would say.

Emotional psychopaths completely lack empathy. They tend to be narcissistic, they do not feel guilt and have an emotional anesthesia that barely allows them to feel anger, rage or sadness if things do not go as expected. If one of them crosses your life as a couple, the one who will suffer will be you, not them. They know how to perfectly imitate sympathy, love, solidarity and compassion, but only to get what they want. They fake these feelings, they don't really feel them. Here are some signs to identify an emotional psychopath:

Superficial sympathy: What we commonly know as snake charmer.
Overwhelming sexual magnetism: They use their sexual charm to hook you.
early love: Suddenly, you are soulmates.
He blames you for everything and never apologizes: They don't feel any remorse.
Constant lies: With vague and incomplete excuses.
Strong eye contact: Cold and penetrating gaze.
Arrogance, pride and arrogance: Treats you with superiority and disdain.
Double personality: One of lime and another of sand.
It leaves you stranded: Sometimes with contempt and coldness.
Infinite ability to manipulate: Theatrical scenes and big fanfare without real emotional content.

How to handle a relationship with an emotional psychopath

If you are already in a relationship with an emotional psychopath and you don't know why you can't get out of it, don't worry. You are in a traumatic bond. Situations of emotional abuse act on the mind like true addictions, and as in any addiction, there is a lot of fear of the consequences of quitting.

To overcome this situation, it is crucial that:

  1. see the reality of your partner.
  2. Believe in yourself.
  3. Seek professional help.
  4. Accept your truth, your innocence and your will

As Scott Peck said, “That truth must be more important, more vital to our interest than any other momentary comfort.”

What is your opinion?

What do you think of this topic? Have you ever met a person like this? Leave your comment here or through social networks.


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Could you say what sex is?

I have been wanting to share a post about sexology on the blog for some time, a fascinating field that you are going to love. Enjoy it!

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