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Could you say what sex is?

que es el sexo

I have been wanting to share a post about sexology on the blog for some time, a fascinating field that you are going to love. Enjoy it!

Sex. If someone asked us to explain what it is, would we have a clear answer? Although it is a widely heard word and we think we know its meaning, it is a much broader concept than what we socially learn.

In sexology, sex is not understood as something you "have", like genitals, nor as something you do. It refers to something that people are, that is, its identity. It is the sum of many factors that teach us to see our reality with a broader perspective and to better understand people and their sexuality.

Key concepts of sexology



We call sexuation the process by which, throughout life, people are constructed as men and women. This path begins nine months before birth, with the union of an egg and a sperm, and does not end until the end of life.

Sexuation is the succession of events that influence how each individual constructs their own sex. Whether the sperm carries an X or Y chromosome is not the most important thing; What is relevant is how each one, with those chromosomes, develops a sexual body with its own gonads and genitals. This process makes us unique and different beings.


Sexuality is the experience that each person has about their own sexual process, that is, the way in which each person feels like the man or woman they are. It reflects the different feelings that appear throughout life in this process.


Erotics are the realm of desires, desires and fantasies. Erotic behavior is always sought and desired. In sexology, relationships are differentiated from desire, which can change everything, even if the activity carried out is the same (for example, penetration). In fantasy, there are no limits; allow yourself to imagine.


Lovemaking has to do with the expression of desire, behaviors or "relationships." It is the particular way in which each couple finds themselves in their art of loving. The connection between erotica and lovemaking is what produces satisfaction, not the posture, the practices or the genitals alone. That eroticism depends on how each person feels their sexual process.

Come on, I like it better this way and you like it that way. Interesting? Yes, the world of sexology.


que es el sexo

Could you say what sex is?

I have been wanting to share a post about sexology on the blog for some time, a fascinating field that you are going to love. Enjoy it!

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